Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Return to the Blog!

Well it's been a while, but I'm returning to more REGULAR blogging to keep everyone up to date with all that's new and exciting at Under my Wing and the handmade world in general!

March has been the busiest month in UMW history! I've been busy showing my wares at three markets - Mathilda's, Baby & Kids Market and Mums & Bubs Market (phew!). Along with custom orders and preparing Winter stock it's busy times - but I'm loving it x

Looking to April, look forward to seeing re-stocking of crochet beanies and all of your favourite UMW styles including bloom, rosette and little poppet hair clips.

I'm going to leave you with my favourite photo from our little photo shoot last week - just divine.

Hope you're having a lovely week...
